Got Sunscreen? We Do!
Lather Up! Yes, even in the winter!
Here’s an interesting and pertinent article published recently in the Vancouver MetroNews we thought worthy of passing along: Even when it’s hidden behind sleeting rain, the sun can harm your skin, says Boston-based dermatologist Dr. Thomas Rohrer. He explains why this is the case. Why do we need to wear sunscreen in the winter? Basically, the skin really doesn’t care if it’s summer, winter, spring or fall – it just measures the cumulative amount of sun exposure that you have from the day you are born until the day you die. And, it just keeps adding up! For a lot of the skin cancers, what happens is, as we get more and more sun, eventually one of our weaker cells reaches its limit and then forms a cancer. So, whether your get that from walking to the car each day in the spring, or sitting out on the beach for a couple hours in the summer, it really doesn’t make a difference to the skin. What about on days when you can’t even see the sun? On cloudy days, some of the damaging rays of the sun go right through the clouds. Using sunscreen should just become a part of your daily skin-care routine.

Vivier Pharma