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ArticlesBody Contour Your Way to Smooth Skin

Body Contour Your Way to Smooth Skin

The warmer weather is quickly approaching, and its time to start putting away our winter wear and bring out the t-shirts and shorts! With the colder months comes lots of delicious foods and indoor activities, its easy to feel like you are not ready for the summer weather and the seasonal attire that goes along with it. Luckily there is a great option to help you look and feel summer ready – body contouring with Venus Freeze & Legacy treatments!

What is body contouring, and how does it help you get ready for swimsuit season? Venus Freeze & Legacy treatments help target stubborn body fat and cellulite to leave your skin smoother, firmer, and more defined. As we get older, our bodies produce less collagen and store more fat leaving us with love handles, sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles, cellulite, and other unwanted signs of aging. Venus Legacy & Freeze treatments use heat to boost collagen production to help get you the body you will love. Venus Freeze & Legacy treatments can target concerns anywhere on the body. The treatments are non-invasive and pain free, many clients describing the feeling as a ‘hot stone massage,’ with zero downtime, making it an easy decision for those looking for firmer more contoured skin.

Venus Freeze & Legacy body contouring treatments combine the powers of Radio Frequency and Magnetic Pulses to go deeply into your skin for optimal results. As we guide the handpiece over the treatment area, your skin begins to gently heat up, penetrating deep into your skin to help stimulate collagen and elastin production, while simultaneously dissolving fat cells. When your body’s temperature elevates, it releases stress hormones that pass through the bloodstream and attach themselves to receptors of the fat cells in the deepest layers of our skin. Once this has happened, it activates hormone sensitive lipase, which breaks down triglycerides into free fatty acids, which then exit through your bloodstream reducing the volume of the fat cell. The end result – less cellulite, smoother more firm skin, with a more contoured shape.

Venus Freeze & Legacy body contouring treatments are a favourite of those looking to sculpt their bodies in a quick, pain free, non-surgical matter. It is the perfect choice for all skin types, and all areas of concern, making it an easy choice for those looking to get rid of their love handles this season. A series of treatments once a week is recommended for your best result, which makes now the perfect time to start your journey to smooth skin.

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